
Showing posts from May, 2016

Procenv 0.46 - now with more platform goodness

I have just released procenv version 0.46 . Although this is a very minor release for the existing platforms (essentially 1 bug fix), this release now introduces support for a new platform... Darwin Yup - OS X now joins the ranks of supported platforms. Although adding support for Darwin was made significantly easier as a result of the recent internal restructure of the procenv code, it did present a challenge: I don't own any Apple hardware. I could have borrowed a Macbook, but instead I decided to see this as a challenge: Could I port procenv to Darwin without actually having a local Apple system?  Well, you've just read the answer, but how did I do this? Stage 1: Docker Whilst surfing around I came across this interesting docker image: It provides a Darwin toolchain that I could run under Linux. It didn't take very long to follow my own instructions on porting procenv to a new platform . But although I...